The Do’s And Dont’s Of Recliner Maintenance

No matter how careful we are with furniture, over time they can start to show the signs of ageing. It’s certain, our favourite recliner won’t last forever. However, we can do certain things to make sure we get the best out of it. Recliners can be quite cheap or relatively expensive. Therefore, by following these Do’s and Dont’s, you will get full worth out of these chairs and make them last for years to come.
Do’s –
- When opening the footrest, no jerking or yanking of the lever. Firmly and smoothly pull the lever
- The footrest should close smoothly, however, if it feels like it is not closing smoothly, then allow it open fully again and then try to push down once more. Some recliner footrests close easier by returning the backrest to the upright position first before closing the footrest
- Make sure all the electrical parts are out of the way and not in areas of the recliner that can cause them damage
- If you live in an area that has frequent lightening, then use a surge protector to keep your recliner safe from a power surge
- Listen out for unusual sounds coming from your recliner. Clicking sounds can be a normal part of the mechanism, however, if new sounds develop over time that weren’t there before, they could be warning signs that a little maintenance is needed.
- Keep an eye on your warranty date and see what it covers. Usually there is a 1 year warranty with a recliner, therefore, if something might not be 100%, it is worth getting it repaired before the warranty runs out
- To keep it running smoothly, a recliner should be oiled regularly. How often? Check the instructions on how often you should oil the mechanism, its bolts, and even the steel frame
- Use slip covers to protect the recliner from spillages, dirt and general wear and tear
Dont’s –
- Don’t allow your kids to use the foot rest as a spring board. Jumping up and down on an open footrest will cause some damage.
- Do not allow leather recliners to be exposed to direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will cause premature fading and in some cases splitting and cracking.
- Don’t use any old cleaning product on your microfiber recliner. In general, microfiber is easy to clean, however, some microfiber materials can only be cleaned with only water-based or only solvent-based cleaning products (not both). Check the label to see which cleaning product can be used. If a damp cloth leaves watermarks on the microfiber, then in future use a solvent based cleaner.
Recliners are often the preferred choice of chairs for comfort and relaxation for many people. They can however be quite an expensive luxury, especially for the top quality brands. Therefore, make sure to treat your recliner well and provide it regular maintenance care and you will be rewarded with comfort, style and quality for many years to come.
If you are buying a new recliner or planning on upgrading your old faithful recliner, then have at look the choice of these best recliners, right here.